Glossary of General Terms
- -administrator
- -advanced persistent threat (APT)
- -advanced threat
- -advanced threat protection (ATP)
- -anti-malware
- -anti-virus
- -anti-spam
- -application
- -APT
- -architecture
- -ATP
- -attack
- -auditing
- -authentication
- -availability
- -backup
- -battery backup
- -best practices
- -buffer
- -buffer overflow
- -bug
- -business impact analysis
- -business continuity
- -certificate
- -change control
- -change management
- -client
- -cloud
- -cloud access security broker
- -code
- -cold recovery site
- -colo
- -colocation
- -compliance
- -confidentiality
- -configuration
- -configuration management
- -cookie
- -corruption
- -crash
- -critical function
- -cyber security
- -data loss prevention
- -database
- -database system
- -deduplication
- -default
- -defense-in-depth
- -developer
- -digital certificate
- -digital signature
- -disaster
- -disaster recovery
- -DLP
- -DMZ
- -domain
- -edge
- -encryption
- -endpoint
- -error
- -e-signature
- -exploit
- -fault tolerance
- -federation
- -firewall
- -forensic analysis
- -hacker
- -hard drive
- -hardware
- -high availability
- -hosted service
- -hot recovery site
- -hotfix
- -hotspot
- -hypervisor
- -incident response
- -indicator of compromise
- -information security
- -information security breach
- -information systems
- -information technology
- -integrated solution
- -integrity
- -internet
- -intrusion
- -intrusion detection system (IDS)
- -intrusion prevention system (IPS)
- -IOC
- -key performance indicator
- -KPI
- -LAN
- -lifecycle
- -log file
- -log in / log on
- -log out / log off
- -malicious software
- -malware
- -maximum tolerable downtime
- -metrics
- -MTD
- -multi-factor authentication
- -network
- -next-generation firewall (NGFW)
- -on-premises
- -online
- -operating system
- -password
- -passphrase
- -patch
- -penetration testing
- -perimeter network
- -PKI
- -plain text
- -point solution
- -protocol
- -proxy server
- -read only
- -recovery point objective
- -recovery time objective
- -replication
- -risk assessment
- -risk control
- -risk management
- -rootkit
- -router
- -RPO
- -RTO
- -sandbox
- -screened subnet
- -secure web gateway
- -server
- -service pack
- -shadow IT
- -sign in / sign on
- -sign out / sign off
- -single sign-on
- -smart card
- -software
- -solution
- -spam
- -SPI
- -spyware
- -SSH
- -SSL
- -SSO
- -SWG
- -switch
- -system architecture
- -tape
- -threat
- -threat intelligence
- -threat modeling
- -thumb drive
- -TLS
- -tokenization
- -transaction log
- -Trojan Horse
- -two-factor authentication
- -unified threat manager (UTM)
- -update
- -upgrade
- -UPS
- -utility computing
- -virtual
- -virtual desktop
- -virtual machine
- -virtualization
- -virus
- -VoIP
- -VPN
- -vulnerability
- -vulnerability management
- -vulnerability scanner
- -WAN
- -warm recovery site
- -worm
- -zero-day